
Can dogs eat fruit? See which ones are allowed

Are you in doubt if your dog can eat fruit ? The answer to that question is yes! There are those that are allowed and bring benefits to the health of the pet. However, care must be taken not to exaggerate the amount and offer the food in the correct way to avoid any type of problem, such as intoxication or risk of choking.

In this post, we will introduce you to the fruit options you can offer your dog and what are their main benefits. Good reading!

How important is a healthy diet for dogs?

The care with a balanced diet and physical exercise for dogs is essential for the animal’s quality of life. After all, this is directly linked to maintaining the pet’s health in many ways.

A good diet improves digestion, for example, reduces the chances of obesity and the emergence of a number of diseases . With more quality of life for the animal, there is also an increase in its life expectancy.

Why use fruits in dog food?

In most cases, the rations available on the market provide all the necessary nutrients for dogs. However, fruit intake helps to include more fiber and vitamins in the animal’s diet, and this natural diet is beneficial for its health in general.

But you have to be careful not to overdo it and offer the right amount. After all, just like any other food, fruits should be offered in moderate portions. In addition, they should not, under any circumstances, replace the feed.

What fruits are allowed for dogs?

Now that you have understood that dogs can eat fruits and their importance in the diet of pets, let’s see which ones are the most suitable for them.


Banana is one of the fruits considered safe for dogs. Rich in potassium, fiber, magnesium, vitamin and B vitamins, it is a healthy snack . However, avoid offering it in excess to the pet, as it is rich in sugars and carbohydrates, which can result in obesity and diabetes problems.


A source of vitamins A, B6 and C, in addition to fiber and potassium, watermelon is made up of about 90% water. This makes it a refreshing fruit and ideal for hot days. If the pet is a fan of the fruit, take the opportunity to freeze small pieces and offer it as an ice cream, remembering to remove the skin and seeds.


Another fruit with a high concentration of water, which pleases the canine palate is melon, a good option to refresh. The fruit is rich in potassium, fiber and vitamins, but it should be consumed without excess.


A healthy and tasty treat for dogs, apples contain vitamins A and E, as well as being rich in probiotics, which help improve intestinal functions, make the coat healthy and boost immunity. When offering it to your pet, remember to remove the stem and seeds, as they are toxic to them.


Rich in vitamin C, orange has anti-inflammatory action, helps prevent premature aging and the occurrence of cancer. Ideal for dogs that exercise a lot, as they may suffer from a vitamin C deficit, the fruit should be offered without peel and seeds. Remembering that, although healthy, orange is not suitable for animals with gastritis or other gastrointestinal problems .


Among the characteristics present in this fruit, which are beneficial for your dog’s health, is the presence of fiber and vitamin C. Like other berries, strawberry has antioxidant action, in addition to contributing to your pet’s weight control.


Mango is a good option and contains essential vitamins for pet health, as well as beta-carotene, potassium and antioxidants. The peel must be removed before offering the fruit to the dog, as it is difficult to digest. It is also essential to remove the pit, which can cause asphyxia if ingested, in addition to containing substances that are extremely toxic to the animal.


Rich in vitamins A, C, E and K, papaya still contains enzymes and fibers that help in the digestion of ingested food and in the formation of fecal cake. In relation to food and intestinal health , the fruit is considered a great option to regulate the functioning of the dog’s intestine.


Peach contains an abundance of vitamins A and C, components that help strengthen immunity and the nervous system, in addition to regulating the intestinal microbiota and doing good for the eyes of dogs. It is important to note that the fruit can be offered in moderation and, like the mango, it also needs to have the pit removed to avoid ingestion.

How to offer the dog?

When offering fruit to the dog, it is recommended that it be chopped into small pieces or crushed. This care is essential to avoid the risk of pet choking. Another attention in this regard is to remove the seeds and pits, as well as the skins of some fruits that are difficult to digest, such as melon, papaya and mango.

Ideally, consumption should be carried out naturally, that is, without the addition of other components, such as milk or sugar. You should also do a test to identify if the animal has an intolerance to the fruit. To do this, offer one fruit at a time and observe how the animal’s organism will react when digesting it. 

What are the benefits of fruits for dogs?

There are several benefits of fruits for dogs in relation to health and quality of life. Here are the main ones:

  • protects the intestine and increases balance in the body;
  • increases immunity;
  • strengthens bones;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • improves the functioning of the urinary system and kidney health;
  • reduces risks of degenerative diseases;
  • helps keep connective tissues healthy;
  • protects against cancer.

As we have seen in this post, your dog can eat fruits without problems, as long as they are the ones that are good for him and always in the right dose. Taking all the necessary care, he will taste these natural delights and stay even healthier!

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