
Dog scratching a lot? see what can be

You may have noticed that dogs tend to scratch themselves from time to time, right? After all, like us humans, they also feel discomfort in the skin that can be caused by atypical and specific situations, and that do not necessarily need more attention. However, a dog scratching a lot can be a cause for concern and signify a problem that you need to be aware of to avoid complications.

In this article, we will present the main causes of intense itching so you know when to seek help from a veterinarian. Check out!

Food allergy

One of the main causes of allergies in dogs can be the ingredients present in your pet’s food. In this case, it is important to switch to other options and see if there is any improvement.

One of the foods that have a low probability of causing food allergies in puppies are natural foods . They can be a good alternative if your dog is experiencing this type of problem.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is the one that arises when the dog is continuously exposed to an allergenic factor and generates a continuous process of skin problem. That’s because he starts scratching himself all the time, generating a wound on the skin, which causes more itching.

Some breeds are more predisposed to developing atopic dermatitis. Are they:

  • boxer;
  • bulldog ;
  • German Shepherd;
  • golden retriever .

fleas and ticks

Fleas and ticks are one of the main causes of itchiness in dogs. They are parasites that bite the animal’s skin to obtain its blood and, in the process, generate itching.

It’s very important that you pay attention to this, because it’s not just the itchiness it’s not the only problem they cause. For example, some animals may suffer from FAD (flea bite allergy dermatitis), which can further intensify your dog’s itching.

Lack of hygiene

Do you bathe your pet periodically? Well, not maintaining good hygiene can make your dog itchy. But how does this happen?

One of the causes for the problem is when the skin becomes very oily, precisely because of the excess dirt deposited in the dermis. This can even cause seborrhea (dandruff-like appearance). Poor hygiene can also lead to skin infections.

So keep your pet’s baths up to date and take care not only of the skin, but also the health of the fur . These care, combined with a good hydration of the pet , are essential to avoid itching, since dryness is another cause of this problem.


Scabies is a skin disease that affects dogs causing a very intense itching. The disease is caused by a specific type of mite, which generates not only this problem, but also hair loss and redness in the region.

It can progress quickly and, therefore, it is essential to seek diagnosis as soon as possible. There are some shampoos , ointments and remedies that help treat the condition and restore health to your dog’s skin.

However, it is always important to go to a veterinary professional not only to evaluate the condition, but also to obtain a good follow-up until discharge.

Mites and insects

Other causes of allergies that cause intense and persistent itching in dogs are mites and insects.

Here, it is important to consider that mites are present in our homes, mainly in bedding, curtains, in dusty places, among others. Therefore, if you want to prevent your pet from having allergies, it is important to keep these items clean.

Usually the itching caused by mites happens in the face region, especially near the muzzle. Watch out for this. It is also important to check the possible presence of insects in your home, as they can sting your dog and cause allergies.

Environmental factors and dietary changes

Have you gone through any recent changes that affect your dog’s life? Know that this can make him scratch a lot. For example, if he has moved to a warmer region, he may feel the difference in temperature and thus start to scratch more frequently.

Changes that can make your pet itchy are:

  • presence of pollen in the region;
  • excessive heat;
  • mold;
  • dusty environments, among others.

But what to do when you notice that your dog is scratching a lot? The ideal is to look for a dermatologist veterinarian to analyze the case and, thus, start the necessary treatment to take care of your pet’s skin.

Often changes in diet can handle the situation. That way, changing the feed can already solve the problem. In other cases, when there is a more serious allergic process, it may be necessary to enter medications such as ointments, shampoos, among others.

Avoid medication on your own. That’s because itching can be caused by several factors, and it’s important to undergo a medical evaluation. After all, as you have seen, one of the causes is precisely parasites that can transmit serious diseases. If the vet suspects this, he will indicate complementary exams that can clear the doubt and thus provide a complete treatment, if applicable.

In addition, if it is necessary to make environmental changes, the professional can help with all the necessary guidelines to ensure better results to bring health and quality of life to your dog.

Also remember to talk to the vet about any changes that have taken place in your home that may have impacted your pet’s health. For example, if you brought a new plant home and your dog started to itch, this provides an important clue as to what could be the cause of the allergy.

As you can see, a dog scratching a lot can be an alert for allergies or other problems that can be caused by different factors. Therefore, it is essential to seek help from a veterinarian to understand what is happening and provide appropriate treatment for your pet.

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