
Dog with stomachache? see what can be

Knowing the usual behavior of pets is essential to identify when there is something wrong with them. However, some symptoms are very discreet, making identification difficult. For example, do you know what makes a dog upset and how to identify it?

As we always think about helping you to take better care of your pet, we have prepared this article presenting what symptoms can appear with stomach pain, why it is important to observe them, what are the associated causes and ways of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Good reading!

Can a dog have a stomachache?

But of course! Just like us, our four-legged friends also experience stomach pain when there is a problem that affects the gastrointestinal tract . However, unlike people who can go to the doctor and describe exactly what they feel, they need the owner to identify that there is something different in their behavior to take them to the vet. Below, learn about the main symptoms involved with stomach pain, so you know when to take your pet for an appointment.

What are the symptoms that the dog with stomach pain has?

When the dog has a stomachache, it is common for him to also present:

  • nausea ;
  • lack of appetite ;
  • weight loss ;
  • excessive salivation;
  • vomiting ;
  • diarrhea with or without blood ;
  • difficulty defecating or urinating;
  • dilated abdomen;
  • gases ;
  • accelerated breathing ;
  • apathy .

A dog with an upset stomach will not necessarily have all of these symptoms, as some of them are more specific to a particular problem. However, all are related to the malfunction of the gastrointestinal system.

Why is it important to be aware of symptoms?

As you will see below, stomach pain can be related to the most varied causes, and some of them pose a risk to the health and even the life of the pet.

It should also be mentioned that the small intestine is responsible for absorbing a number of nutrients during digestion. Therefore, when intestinal health is affected, several metabolic functions are impaired, leaving the pet weaker and susceptible to developing even other health problems.

What Causes Stomach Pain?

Below, learn what can make your dog have a stomachache.

inappropriate food

Not everything that is good for us will be equally good for the Great Danes. That’s because there are foods that can cause inflammation in the stomach, causing the pet to feel pain in the region.

In addition, there are toxic foods that can trigger health problems, such as obesity , anemia and kidney failure, for example. Are they:

  • garlic and onion ;
  • chocolate ;
  • coffee ;
  • milk ;
  • grape ;
  • avocado .

As there are other foods that are part of our diet and are bad for our four-legged friends, always consult your veterinarian to find out what can be offered to them.

Cleaning products

If you drink bleach, you’re certainly not going to feel good, right? The same is true for your dog and it can even happen with seemingly harmless cleaning products such as detergent, washing powder, fabric softener, disinfectant.

In addition to stomach ache, these items can lead the pet to death. So, try to keep them in a safe place and, when cleaning the house, keep your pet well away from these products.

Medicines for humans

Certain drugs administered to humans can also be ingested by dogs, such as aspirin and anti-inflammatories , but you need to know the right dosage and when to administer it. This only the veterinarian will be able to guide.

As an example, paracetamol, so common for us, in addition to causing stomach pain, can be lethal for the pet, as it does not have the necessary enzymes to process it. In this sense, keep the medicines stored in a safe place, if you drop any on the floor, gather it and consult the vet before medicating the pet.

Health problems

Stomach pain can be a symptom of a minor problem, such as constipation and gas, but it can also be a sign of serious conditions, such as:

  • stomach obstruction due to ingestion of a toy or object;
  • parvovirus;
  • coronavirus
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • presence of intestinal parasites;
  • food poisoning;
  • gastric torsion (common in large dogs);
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases, among others.


Finally, stomach pain can be triggered by the simple fact that your four-legged friend gets old, as metabolism slows down, leading to difficulty chewing food, which is important for the digestive process.

How to get the diagnosis?

When observing some of the symptoms listed above, take the dog to the veterinarian, since only he can make the correct diagnosis, which can be obtained through blood tests, x-ray and ultrasound . If you have found the presence of blood in the animal’s waste, you need to perform a stool test as well.

What are the treatments for a dog with a stomachache?

As we mentioned, stomach pain can be related to a number of problems. Therefore, treatment will be case-specific, but generally, the vet will recommend a light diet and medication to control symptoms until they find out what exactly is causing this condition in your dog.

If the causes are parasitic, a vermifuge will also be prescribed ; in the case of bacterial infection, antibiotic , and if it is a tumor, surgery may be necessary .

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