
‘Super-Scared’ Stray Dog Melts Into Rescuer’s Arms As Soon As She Knows She’s Safe

Capturing a frightened, stray dog is no easy task, as experienced by Donna Lochmann, the chief life-saving officer for Stray Rescue of St. Louis. Throughout her rescue endeavors, she has encountered numerous lonely pups who require time to build trust. However, on a recent day in North St. Louis, everything changed when Lochmann attempted to save a particular dog.

Lochmann received a distress call about a dog that had been spotted near an industrial area, prompting her to drop everything and rush to its aid. Upon arrival, she discovered that concerned individuals had already contained the dog within a fenced area. Now, all Lochmann needed to do was convince the dog to follow her to the safety of her Jeep.

Initially, Lochmann attempted to approach the dog closely, only to realize that her direct approach wouldn’t yield the desired results. The more Lochmann advanced, the further the dog retreated.

“It was evident she was searching for an escape route from my presence, but there was no way out,” Lochmann shared with The Dodo. “She let out a couple of super-scared barks as a warning.”

Recognizing the dog’s fear, Lochmann decided to change her approach. She opted to earn the dog’s trust from a distance, armed with two reliable tools: her soothing voice and irresistible Vienna sausages.

“I knelt down to appear less threatening and began speaking to her,” Lochmann explained. “I tossed a sausage towards her, and she eagerly devoured it.”

Witnessing the dog swiftly devour the sausage, Lochmann continued to toss more pieces in her direction. However, to her surprise, the dog lost interest in the food and instead began slowly inching closer to Lochmann.

“She bypassed the remaining sausages and crept closer to me,” Lochmann recounted. “Her focus was on me, not the food.”

Rather than consuming the remaining sausages, the dog approached Lochmann, leaving the seasoned rescuer astounded by what happened next.

“When she reached me, she nuzzled her head into my shirt,” Lochmann shared. “Then she rolled over and gazed up at me.”

With just one piece of sausage, the dog, later named Cutie Pie, knew she had found a trustworthy companion in Lochmann. In an instant, the once-frightened pup nestled herself in Lochmann’s arms.

“It was incredibly heartwarming. She looked up at me as if to say, ‘Thank you!'” Lochmann expressed.

After a few minutes of tender snuggles, Lochmann gently placed a leash around Cutie Pie’s neck. Initially hesitant, the dog eventually followed Lochmann back to her Jeep.

“At first, she was a bit unsure, but once we reached the Jeep, she hopped right in,” Lochmann revealed. “That’s when she was ready to go.”

Lochmann allowed Cutie Pie to ride alongside her in the front seat as they made their way to the shelter. The dog, who was once too frightened to allow anyone near, began to slowly emerge from her shell.

The volunteers at Stray Rescue of St. Louis warmly welcomed Cutie Pie into their shelter. They immediately bathed her, ensuring she received the care she needed, while the medical team assessed her for any injuries or illnesses.

Fortunately, Cutie Pie received a clean bill of health and was quickly placed in a foster home.

“She didn’t stay with us for long,” Lochmann said. “She went straight to a foster home where she is thriving and loved. She’s doing absolutely great.”

Cutie Pie has embraced her new foster home and formed a close bond with her new canine sibling.

“We’ve received videos of her happily playing in the backyard with her new dog sibling, running and frolicking,” Lochmann shared. “She finally gets to experience the joys of being a typical dog.”

Although Cutie Pie adores her foster home, she continues her search for a forever family. Lochmann remains hopeful that the perfect family will soon come along. In the meantime, Cutie Pie lives each day to the fullest, reveling in the newfound happiness she deserves.

“She is incredibly sweet, and she is finally content,” Lochmann concluded.

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